Rounds - H
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HAIDA (2 parts)
Haida haida hai diddy di da
Haida haida haida  (repeat)
*Haida hai diddy di da
Haida haida haida  (repeat)

HANKY-PANKY (3 parts)
Down on the banks of the Hanky-Panky,
Where the *bullfrogs jump from bank to banky,
With an ee, ai, oh, ah,
Leaps off a lily with a ker-plop.

Happiness runs is a circular motion,
*Love is but a little boat upon the sea,
All of our souls are deeper than the ocean,
You can have everything if you let yourself be.
Everybody is a part of everything anyway,
You can have everything if you let yourself be,
Happiness runs, Happiness runs.

HAVA NA SHIRA (3parts)
Hava na shira, shir alleleuia,
*Hava na shira, shir alleleuia,
Hava na shira, shir alleleuia.

Have you seen the ghost of time,
Long white bones with the flesh all gone,
Ooooo oo oo oo oo oo,
Wouldn't it be chilly with no skin on.

HEY HO, HO HEY (2 parts)
Hey ho ho hey....
*ya la la la......

Hey ho nobody home,
*Meat nor drink nor money have I none,
Yet will I be merry.

HI HO IPSY NI YA  (Navajo)
Hi ho hi ho ipsy ni ya
Hi ho hi ho ipsy ni ya  (repeat first 2 lines 5 more times)
Ipsy ni ya

THE HILLS (3 parts)
The hills in their glorious height,
*Surround us by day and by night,
Sing praise to the hills.

HORSEY, HORSEY  (2 parts)
Horsey, horsey on your way,
We've been together for many a day,
So let your tail go swish and your wheels go 'round,
Giddy up, we're homeward bound.
I like to *ride a horse and buggy,.
I like to ride all over town,
I like to hear old Dobbin go clip-clop,
I like to see the wheels go 'round.

HO, YOUNG RIDER (3 parts)
Ho, young rider, apple-cheeked one whither *riding?
On your steed so black and prancing whither riding?
What matters where I ride Slovak mountains are my pride
Du-sha-moya, Du-sha-moya, Du-sha-moya, Hey!

THE HUNTER (3 parts)
The hunter winds his bugle horn,
To horse, to horse, hello, hello,
The fiery coursers snuff the morn, while thronging serf and lord pursue.
*The eager pack in couples freed
Dash through the brook, the briar, the brake,
While answering horn and hound and steed,
The forest echoes startling wake.
Up springs from yonder tangled thorn
A deer more white than mountain snow,
While louder rings the hunter's horn,
Hark!  Forward, forward, hello, hello.